Silver Labrador Retriever Pups AKC in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale
Litter born on 11/15/xxxx 13 Light Silver pups, Check our website for updates, pages of pictures, and references. All of our puppies will be dewormed at 2 week intervals beginning at 3 weeks of age. All age appropriate vaccinations are also given. We are sticklers about what we breed as we are breeding for ourselves first. We give a WRITTEN 26 month GUARANTEE on the health of the animals. These puppies receive the best of care and interact with people including my 4 year old daughter on a daily basis. If you love Labs or have never had one, you will absolutely love our babies. I have shipped pups to both coasts, Alaska, Canada, and Germany. Shipping available from the Dallas/Ft.Worth International Airport. Puppies need to be 8 weeks old for air freight and must be 12 weeks and vaccinated for Rabies to ship to Europe or South America. We handle all the paperwork, Microchipping etc. They are usually available for land travel to their new homes at 6 weeks. Please contact me for any additional information or pictures. Looking forward to helping you find that new, unique family member. Be ready to be stopped and asked about your Silver Lab by curious onlookers when you are out and about with your new best friend. You typically cannot find these type of pups ready to go because they sell themselves with a little effort from the breeder. I have four Labs at breeding age and two more pups that I'm bringing up to breed next year. We live on a large farm in Central Texas where they can get out and run, hunt, and swim everyday. They are a large part of our family and would keep everyone if I could. Please call for pricing and availabilty and information on upcoming litters. References available on website.