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Grow Medicinal Marijuana in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale

Price: $57
Type: Business oportunities, For Sale - Private.

Hello-I am sending this as an advocate of the 420 movement. Please Share.
Have you ever tried growing (legal) marijuana? Now that Medicinal Marijuana is here....have you heard how lucrative it is to be a grower in Colorado and Washington?
The internet is full of so-called 'grow guides' that may teach you a thing or two about growing pot, but they don't really go into the details and in-depth descriptions that one would need to have a successful harvest every time. It's ridiculous how many how-to guides are out there spewing garbage about how you can grow 20 pounds of dope in a 5 x 5 closet in only a month....and no one will ever know.
I have a book that is a complete source for growing beautiful buds of medicinal marijuana. The writer is a medical marijuana connoisseur, grower and teacher who spent years learning how to grow potent medical marijuana plants from the best of the best in the medical marijuana industry.
The book is divided into 12 specific chapters, each one covering a specific area of growing: Marijuana Basics, Cannabis, Lighting, Growing Marijuana, Growing With Soil, Cloning, Hydroponics, Your Grow Area, Growing Outdoors, Cannabis Maintenance, Harvest, and Advanced Growing. Each chapter is then sub divided into separate sections covering a specific topic. For example, Lighting has the follow sections: The Lighting System, Light Sources, High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lighting, Lighting Your Plants, Electricity, Electrical Safety, Lighting Schedule.
This book has information for the absolute beginner as well as many advanced growing techniques and methods for the experienced grower. The book tops out at around 720 pages and is hands down the biggest, most comprehensive guide out there. It takes just about every concept related to the cultivation and growing of cannabis and explains it in an easy to read and easy to understand format so anyone can do it.
FULL DISCLOSURE: This Book Costs $57. I Make a Small Commission