Living room set - couch sofa and chair - less than a year old! in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale
Price: $700
Type: Furniture,
For Sale
- Private.
I decided to change up our living room and I am selling our sofa/loveseat/oversized chair set.
Less than a year old, in great shape. Asking $700 for the set, but there definitely is room for negotiation.
They are EXTREMELY comfortable. We aren't smokers but we do have two cats (neither have clawed the furniture though!).
The fabric is a warm taupe microfiber (close-up in the pictures, since my lighting is weird). No stains or tears. The couch is perfect for napping and has barely been used. The love seat is perfect for stretching out or curling up. The chair has been the most popular seat in the house and shows its use, but it in fantastic shape.