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AMSOIL Dealer Synthetic Oil and Filters - SAVE 25% in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale

AMSOIL Dealer Synthetic Oil and Filters - SAVE 25%
Type: Services, For Sale - Private.

AMSOIL High Performance Synthetic Lubricants and Filtration Products
Cars - Trucks - Boats - Motorcycles - Snowmobiles - Lawn Equipment - Tractors - Compressors - 2-Cycle Engines - ETC.
 Premium synthetic lubricants & filters for people who appreciate quality.
SAVE Approx. 25% - Click Here to Buy at Wholesale Now!!
Amsoil Product Lookup Guides...
Auto and Light Truck Lookup
PowerSports Lookup
Small Engine Lookup
How to Purchase Amsoil Products...
Order securely online AMSOIL INC. ONLINE STORE
Open and order from the AMSOIL PRODUCTS CATALOG (5MB PDF)
Give us a call: 1-800-985-xxxx
AMSOIL PREFERRED CUSTOMER MEMBERSHIP - Anyone can purchase at wholesale prices, about 25% off retail. Get information for our special 6 month trial membership offer.
AMSOIL HOME DEALERSHIP - Sell AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants to family, friends, walk-ins, and set up wholesale accounts for retailers and commercial businesses. An excellent part time job or a full time business with unlimited earning potential. AMSOIL products provide generous profits and commissions.
AMSOIL WHOLESALE ACCOUNTS FOR RETAILERS - Auto parts stores, auto service centers, quick lubes, powersports dealers, hardware stores, etc. Add a profitable product line that's in demand.
AMSOIL WHOLESALE ACCOUNTS FOR COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES - Trucking companies, independent owner/operators, municipalities, construction companies, manufacturing facilities, and others. Reduce your maintenance and operating costs.
Give us a call: 1-800-985-xxxx (9AM-9PM 7 Days a Week)
Request A Free Amsoil Catalog
Motor Oil
4-Stroke Oil
Power Steering Fluid
Cleaners and Degreasers
PowerSports Filters
Racing Motor Oil
Gear Lubricants
Suspension Fluid
Wiper Blades
Diesel Oil
Racing Gear Lubricants
Compressor Oil
Spark Plugs and Wire Sets
Motorcycle Oil
Hydraulic Oil
Oil Filters
2-Cycle Oil
Brake Fluid
Fuel Additives
Air Filters
Why Are AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants the Best?
High-Temperature Protection and Performance
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are much more stable in high temperatures than are refined oils and other synthetic oils. Their superior heat stability reduces the rates of oil consumption, lubricant breakdown and lubricant oxidation, which keeps oil consumption low; equipment clean, protected and running right; and extends lubricant life.
Cold-Temperature Protection and Performance
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants remain fluid in temperatures far below zero, allowing dependable engine start-up, fast lubrication, dependable protection and maximum fuel economy in severe cold operation.
Increased Efficiency
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are superior to refined oils and other synthetic oils in reducing friction, helping lubricated systems use fuel energy for work, not for overcoming drag. Superior friction reduction, as well as lower volatility rates, also helps keep exhaust emissions low.
Longer Engine and Equipment Life
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants' heat stability and friction reducing ability keep wear rates low, which helps increase the time to first teardown, increases the interval between teardowns and increases overall equipment life.
Extended Lubricant Drain Intervals
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants offer up to eight times the service life offered by refined lubricants, and sometimes even more. The long life of AMSOIL synthetic lubricants reduces costs, downtime, waste and environmental damage.
Product Line
AMSOIL manufactures synthetic lubricants, advanced filtration systems, fuel additives and coolant for virtually every commercial, industrial and automotive application.
Quality Control
AMSOIL synthetic lubricants are manufactured from top quality synthetic base stocks and performance additives according to a stringent quality control protocol in computer- controlled AMSOIL manufacturing facilities. AMSOIL synthetic lubricants may be counted on to deliver the same top-quality performance and protection every time they are used, no matter where in the world they are purchased.
AMSOIL formulated the first API-qualified motor oil in the world and has more experience formulating synthetic lubricants than any other manufacturer in the world. AMSOIL leads the industry in product quality and innovation.
AMSOIL INC. - Company Information
AMSOIL FORMULATES A WIDE SELECTION OF SYNTHETIC LUBRICATING OILS for all types of engine and gear applications, including those for specialized vehicles and severe operating conditions. In addition, AMSOIL has developed sophisticated fuel additives, filtration systems and other companion products that supplement and extend lubricant performance. All are distributed through a worldwide network of independent Dealers. This complete line of quality products is recognized by countless private motorists, fleet managers and industrial administrators as the best and most cost-effective choice for increasing engine performance, reducing maintenance and prolonging vehicle and equipment life.
THE AMSOIL CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS, MANUFACTURING PLANT, AND MAIN DISTRIBUTION CENTER are located in Superior, Wisconsin, with many regional warehouses strategically located throughout North America and overseas. These facilities cover a total of nearly 700,000 square feet.
The state-of-the-art lubricant production plant contains materials blending and bulk storage facilities, as well as highspeed bottling lines and packaging equipment. The main warehouse serves as the hub of a global distribution network; bottles, cases, drums and totes bearing the AMSOIL label are shipped worldwide. Capacity is geared to meet projected market demands decades away.
The AMSOIL administrative functions are centrally located and outfitted with the latest in communications and information processing equipment. The entire complex is staffed by a cooperative, knowledgeable and well-disciplined team.
The Company of Firsts
AMSOIL has a documented history of innovation and leadership.
First to develop an API-rated 100 percent synthetic motor oil.
First to introduce the concept of "extended drain intervals" with a recommended 25,000-mile/1-year drain interval.
First U.S. company to utilize the NOACK volatility test as a standard of performance excellence.
First to produce synthetic motor oils for diesel engines, racing engines, turbo and marine engines.
First to introduce synthetic oils that legitimately contribute to improving fuel efficiency.
First to manufacture synthetic gear lube for automotive use.
First to manufacture a 100:1 pre-mix synthetic 2-cycle oil.
First to manufacture a synthetic automatic transmission fluid for automotive use.
Synthetic Oil Technology LLC
Authorized Amsoil Direct Jobber # xxxx176
Nationwide Account Setup, Ordering, and Support
"We'll Save You Money on Amsoil Products"
800-985-xxxx (9AM-9PM 7 Days a Week)
SAVE Approx. 25% - Click Here to Buy at Wholesale Now!!
Request A Free Amsoil Catalog
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Alabama Montgomery Birmingham Alaska Juneau Anchorage Arizona Phoenix Phoenix Arkansas Little Rock Little Rock California Sacramento Los Angeles Colorado Denver Denver Connecticut Hartford Bridgeport Delaware Dover Wilmington Florida Tallahassee Jacksonville Georgia Atlanta Atlanta Hawaii Honolulu Honolulu Idaho Boise Boise Illinois Springfield Chicago Indiana Indianapolis Indianapolis Iowa Des Moines Des Moines Kansas Topeka Wichita Kentucky Frankfort Louisville Louisiana Baton Rouge New Orleans Maine Augusta Portland Maryland Annapolis Baltimore Massachusetts Boston Boston Michigan Lansing Detroit Minnesota St. Paul Minneapolis Mississippi Jackson Jackson Missouri Jefferson City Kansas City Montana Helena Billings Nebraska Lincoln Omaha Nevada Carson City Las Vegas New Hampshire Concord Manchester New Jersey Trenton Newark New Mexico Santa Fe Albuquerque New York Albany New York City North Carolina Raleigh Charlotte North Dakota Bismarck Fargo Ohio Columbus Columbus Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oregon Salem Portland Pennsylvania Harrisburg Philadelphia Rhode Island Providence Providence South Carolina Columbia Columbia South Dakota Pierre Sioux Falls Tennessee Nashville Memphis Texas Austin Houston Utah Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Vermont Montpelier Burlington Virginia Richmond Virginia Beach Washington Olympia Seattle West Virginia Charleston Charleston Wisconsin Madison Milwaukee Wyoming Cheyenne Cheyenne

State: Minnesota  City: Rochester  Category: Services
Services in Minnesota for sale

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