Aquaseal.25oz UV Cure in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale
Price: $4
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
McNett xxxx2 Aquaseal.25oz UV Cure
Aquaseal UV Ultraviolet Cure adhesive cures in seconds when exposed to the sun. Ideal for creating truly instant stream-side repairs! Solvent free formula works in both overcast or full light conditions. Stronger than any other UV curing adhesives - only regular Aquaseal is stronger.
- Aquaseal UV cures in seconds when exposed to the sun.
- Ideal for creating truly instant stream-side repairs
- Solvent free formula works in both overcast or full light conditions
- Stronger than any other UV curing adhesives - only regular Aquaseal is stronger
- Made in the U.S.A.Price: $4.4