"Beretta/Benelli Choke Tubes Benelli 20 Gauge Improved Modified.595" in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale
Price: $13
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Carlsons xxxx5 Beretta/Benelli Choke Tubes Benelli, 20 Gauge, Improved Modified.595
These chokes are made of 17-4 heat treated stainless steel. Steel or lead shot may be used in these choke tubes. Steel shot larger than #BB should not be used in any choke tighter than modified. BB and smaller size steel shot may be used through full choke constriction."Price: $13.79
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/beretta-benelli-choke-tubes-benelli-20-gauge-improved-modified.595.html