Birchwood Casey 34807 LT-6 ShootNC 8" Round Laser 6Pack in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale
Price: $4
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Whether you are boresighting your gun in or shooting with a laser sight, this target makes the perfect aiming point. You get the best of all worlds by applying the LASER SPOT to the center of the SHOOT?N?C Target. The highly reflective LASER SPOT reflects light back to he shooter creating a highly visible aim point. And, if you miss the LASER SPOT, you immediately see the "halo" on the SHOOT?N?C Target. SHOOT?N?C 8" Laser Targets - 6 Targets, 24 Pasters
Manufacturer: Birchwood Casey
Model: xxxx7
Condition: New
Price: $4.18
Availability: In Stock