"Eze-Scorer Silhouette 12"" Round" in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale
Price: $1
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
Birchwood Casey xxxx3 Eze-Scorer Silhouette 12"" Round
Paper Targets are all about simple and effective target shooting to sight in your firearms. Targets include space to enter key data including temperature, yardage, make/model, caliber, bullet and much more. Each pack contains a bonus pack of two 3"" Shoot N C targets and six repair pasters.
- Shoot N C Targets
- 6 Repair Pasters
- Includes space for key data including; Temperature, Yardage, Make/Model, Caliber & Bullet
- 3"" Targets
- 13 Targets"Price: $1.76
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/eze-scorer-silhouette-12-round.html