Tactical Baton F16B Black Chrome Baton (Foam) in Rochester, Minnesota For Sale
Price: $64
Type: Sport,
For Sale
- Private.
ASP xxxx1 Tactical Baton F16B Black Chrome Baton (Foam)
Heat treated xxxx high carbon steel for strength. Zinc Dichromate coated handles and hardcoat anodized black chrome finish provide superior corrosion resistance. Patented foam vinyl grip provides increased retention.
ASP expandable batons offer significant advantages over other intermediate force weapons:
- Easily carried and readily at hand
- Unparalleled psychological deterrence
- Low profile, improved public image
- Easily Maintained
- No sharp edges to abrade clothing or cut assailant
- Better balance than traditional impact weapons"Price: $64
Source: http://www.sportsmanstooloutfitters.com/tactical-baton-f16b-black-chrome-baton-foam.html